Monday, June 24, 2013

Another Summer Bucket List- Version 2.0

Reviewing the past year of blog posts (there weren't many, oops) I saw my Summer Bucket List for 2012... and realized not only did I not accomplish everything on it but most of it still stands so I'm reproducing it here with some minor tweaks...

Sara's Summer Bucket List:

1. Go to Bar Harbor, ME!!
2. Attend a Wade Oval Wednesday
3. See Shakespeare in a park
4. Go to the beach
5. Crafting!
6. Girls Nights!
7. Date Nights! I'm having a lot of fun dating and figuring out who really is a solid match for me!
8. Bonfires
9. Lay out at a pool
10. Cook out
11. Outdoor runs
12. Read fun books!
13. Go to the Zoo
14. See the summer blockbusters! - So far I've seen Fast and the Furious 6, Superman, Heat, 
15. Day drink!
16. Finish my MA Essay
17. Go to Cedar Point
18. Find a job!

As I complete these I'll bold them to track my progress.  Some are continuous but I'll still bold them if I've technically have done enough to consider them DONE!