Sunday, February 12, 2012

Love Hate Relationship: The Gym Edition

I am developing a Love/Hate relationship with the gym.  I have been really good about getting myself there at least 3 times a week- typically Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.  I feel really good about the fact that I'm going.  BUT, I'm frustrated that I don't really have a focus.  I need some sort of measurable goal since I'm not trying to lose weight.  Maybe I should take measurements, or do some sort of preliminary fitness test or take "before" pictures.  I'm not sure.  Any suggestions?

In other gym news, yesterday, after doing a 50 minute Zumba class my gym buddy Katie and I did a bunch of dumb bell exercises to work out our biceps, triceps, and shoulders.  Then we did some ab work as well.  I AM SORE.  I hope the meds I took will kick in cause it hurts to move.  Ideally I'll have a rock hard beach bod by this summer- even though I'll be vacationing in the mountains. What are your favorite exercises?

Now I just need to get my eating in check.  I struggle to hit my appropriate calorie intake so I end up justifying eating fast food.  NOT GOOD.  I have high cholesterol so I suppose I need to stop ignoring that fact.  I'm looking for some good healthy food that isn't too "diety" since I'm not on a diet and definitely need to hit my calories on days I exercise.  I can't afford to buy new pants if I drop any weight!  I know, I know, #skinnygirlproblems.

Also, I'm on Fitocracy and Sparkpeople--- can't decide what I like better.  Hit me up if you want to follow.  Oh, and I realized I owe a ton on my taxes, so help a girl out and check out one of the ads on my site!

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